Disclosure: Diary of a First Time Mom is proud to partner with Little Remedies® as a Mom Blogger Ambassador. Although I receive some form of compensation for the collaboration, all opinions expressed about the products are my own. Once someone told me cleaning my house with a toddler is like shoveling my driveway in a snowstorm. I laughed, agreed and then stepped over the toys, books and crayons covering the living room floor. For months, I accepted the fact that I would never be clutter free with kids. Make that one kid. I would always trip over a shoe rushing out the door during the morning madness or roll over onto a plastic piece of play food that made its way into my bed by the end of the night. So, I tried to block out the clutter. Kind of like a mind of matter exercise. But it didn’t really work. I attempted to organize our space. That took all day. I threw in the towel, or in this case, the duster. The mess overwhelmed me, so I made excuses. I told myself, I’m a single mom who works full-time. Why spend the little bit of free time I have cleaning? Despite this new way of thinking, the mess still called my name. While Caitlynn napped, I spent three fourths of the time thinking about what I had to do, and the other part actually doing it. Then 2014 came. And I decided to take on a new challenge and take back my house, or at least a coupe rooms under my roof. Here’s how I’m saying Yes to Less Mess this January and cleaning with a toddler: 1. Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day Instead of trying to conquer clutter in 24 hours, I tackle one thing at a time. During the week, I perform small tasks, like organizing a junk drawer or putting away a basket of laundry. This doesn’t take up much time and can be done while watching your favorite TV show or talking on the telephone. 2. In With the New. Out With the Old This year, every time I make a trip to the mall, I must make a pitt stop at a Goodwill store. That way, I will constantly clean my closet and identify clothes I no longer wear. It’s also a good reminder that I am truly blessed. 3. All Work and No Play Makes Mommy a Dull Girl Decluttering isn’t always stressful. Organizing our space is a great way to have fun and create memories. While picking up toys, we march through the house chanting hut 2-3-4. We turn on a music channel, pick up our instruments and take a shake break. We also take time a time out to read the books we put on the shelf and browse photo albums we pack in boxes. This post is inspired by Little Remedies®, a company encouraging parents to Say Yes to Less and share ways on how to simplify in the New Year. Simplify–that’s exactly what the Little Remedies® product does. It was created by a pharmacist and father who was tired of searching for a product to give his kids that was effective and made with ingredients he could feel good about. So he followed the philosophy of “less is more” and made products only what is needed to make your child feel better – that means no saccharin, alcohol, artificial flavors, artificial coloring or dyes. One product I used on Caitlynn as a baby was Little Remedies® For Tummys™ Gripe Water. Gripe Water, an herbal supplement made with ginger and fennel, is a safe, gentle, gluten and alcohol-free formula that eases tummy aches from hiccups or colic. It also eased my mind as a first time mom! For more information about Little Remedies® For Tummys™ Gripe Water and other safe and natural products for your baby, visit LittleRemedies.com. And visit Facebook.com/LittleRemedies to share stories and join the conversation. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ