Best Pets to Adopt for Little Kids Guest Blogger April 10, 2017 Raising a Toddler, Toddler Dear Diary, Life with pets is nothing like life without them. These four-legged friends use their superpowers to make you laugh even when you are...
5 Manners to Teach Your Toddler Kerrin Meriwether March 20, 2017 Raising a Toddler, Toddler 1 Comment Dear Diary, Have you ever witnessed kids behaving badly on the playground? I’ve spotted kids cursing, kicking and screaming. Sometimes, they...
Time Out Tips Heather Hopson January 6, 2017 Raising a Toddler, Toddler 1 Comment Dear Diary, Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm the captain of Team Time Out! Often, I bump heads with other mothers who try to make me switch to...
How to Introduce Your Dog to Your Baby Guest Blogger October 14, 2016 Baby, Raising a Baby, Raising a Toddler, Toddler Dear Diary, For many couples, a newborn isn’t their first baby--they already welcomed a four legged friend into their home years before....
10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Parents of Special Needs Children Guest Blogger October 13, 2016 Baby, Toddler Dear Diary, Parents of children with special needs are often inundated with opinions about our children and how we raise them. We get opinions...
Free Pancakes with a Purpose Heather Hopson September 16, 2016 Pittsburgh & Philly, Raising a Toddler, Toddler Disclosure: Diary of a First Time Mom is proud to partner with Denny’s as a #DennysDiners Blogger Ambassador. Stay tuned for exclusive content and...