Dear Diary, As an adult, the winter weather gives me the chills. I dislike digging my car out from under several inches of snow. I loathed navigating icy, slick streets. Recently, I complained to my daughter about the snow stacking up. She looked at me in utter shock and said she waited weeks for this day to come. She wanted to make snow angels, build snowmen and ride sleds. I paused before I continued the conversation, wondering what happened over the years. I used to be her! So to fall back in love with winter, we decided to take a road trip to one of the best sledding spots in the Pittsburgh region—South Park’s Sunny Slopes. This time, I didn’t mind scraping ice off my windshield. We were going to sled the city. 1. Blue Slide Park in Frick Park 2. Blueberry Hill Park in Franklin Park 3. Bronx Hill in West View 4. Chapel Hill at Chatham University 5. Cowboy Hill in Point Breeze Click here to read the list in its entirety. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ