Online Activities on Hot, Summer Days Heather Hopson July 1, 2017 Baby, Educating a Toddler, Raising a Baby, Toddler Dear Diary, I enjoy outdoor activities. I rarely break a sweat and soak up the sun. However my little girl is easily overheated. So when the temperatures soar, we seek shelter from the hot, humid weather and take part in the air-conditioned activities. Here are five fun online activities to keep your infants and toddlers out of the elements. 1. Create a Pandora Station Babies love music, and at such a young age, you don’t have to censor your selections. But if you wish to bop to the beats of something suitable for virgin ears, you can add Baby Einstein, Disney or Raffi stations to your playlist. Caitlynn and I dance and exercise all the time. I tell her to shake what yo’ mama gave ya, and she bounces up and down with her hand in the air. 2. Row Row Row Your Boat Super Simple Learning has super cute music videos, including this whimsical one where two animals row their way down the river. Besides listening and watching, I sit with my legs in a V, and Caitlynn and I rock back and forth to the beat, rowing our imaginary boat. The song’s short, but the memories last a lifetime. 3. Play B-I-N-G-O Here’s another super cute song from Super Simple earning. You can clap, jump and sing with your baby. I usually play the song twice. The first time I do the movements. On the encore, Caitlynn performs. She loves jumping to the beat of all the letters at the end. 4. Speakaboos I stumbled upon on accident and decided to stay and look around story land. The subscription site is about five bucks a month, but you don’t have to sign up to join the fun. You can read stories, hear songs, play games and print out activities ten times for free. Caitlynn and I watched an automated audio version of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. She laughed the entire time! There’s a printable page with alphabet adventures, coloring pages, puzzles and quizzes. Hey DFTM family–What fun and educational online activities do you use with your little ones? Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ