
(Photo Courtesy:  Culture 24)


Dear Diary,


February is my favorite month of the year. Why?  Because my birthday, Valentine’s Day and Black History Month are all marked on this page on my calendar.  Although I think African-American history and heritage should be celebrated 365 days a year, I look forward to February.  And now that I’m a first time mom, I’m thinking even more about what I will teach my daughter to be proud of the color of her skin and the achievement of her ancestors.


Here are a few ways you can celebrate the month with your little one.


Be Educated!

Read stories about African-American firsts to your child. Stories such as “The Other Side” and “The Story of Ruby Bridges” are great books geared at young kids.


Be Artistic! 

Create African masks.  Temper paint washes off of hands and clothes easily!


Be Active!  

This year is the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.  Take a walk around your neighborhood and reflect on how far our country has come regarding race relations.  Well, you’ll think deeply and your little one will get in some exercise! You can also shake your grove thang to the beats of African drums.  Check your local library for CDs and videos.


Be Domestic!

Tie on an apron and whip up a soul food dinner.  Include items on your menu like sweet potato pies and Famous Amos cookies–both recipes written by African-Americans.


Hey DFTM fam–How are you celebrating Black History Month?  

About The Author

Vlog Mom/DFTM Creator

Not long ago, Heather Hopson hosted a television show in the Cayman Islands. Today, she's back home writing a different kind of story as a new mom. In her 15 years working as a professional journalist, this by far is her best assignment! Growing up, she dreamed of becoming Oprah Winfrey. She was the features editor for her school’s newspaper and a teen talk show host for her city’s most popular radio station. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Michigan State University. After graduation, she worked as a television producer and reporter at CBS, NBC and Fox affiliates throughout the U.S. Instead of heading to Chicago to join Ms. Winfrey on her set, she bought a plane ticket to the Cayman Islands instead. She arrived five days before a category five hurricane! She lived in paradise for seven years, hosted an award-winning television show and traveled the globe with a government delegation. She also served on the board of directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters and spearheaded a Send a Kid to Camp campaign. Then, she relocated to Washington, D.C. to obtain a teaching certification and instruct 8th grade reading at a high needs middle school. She later returned to her hometown of Pittsburgh, PA to raise her daughter Caitlynn, now 4-years-old. During her 10-month-stint as a stay-at-home mom, Caitlynn inspired her to create this blog, and Diary of a First Time Mom was born on Mother’s Day 2012. Two years later, she expanded the family to include 20+ writers. Currently, Heather serves as the communications director at Allies for Children. In addition, she is the owner of Motor Mouth Multimedia, which ranked #49 in Startup Nation’s Home-Based 100 Competition sponsored by Discover Card and Sam’s Club. Recently, The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments selected Heather to receive an Emerging Black Artist award to develop Diary of a First Time Mom.

8 Responses

  1. Hanifah Munadi

    We definitely need to educate ourselves about us. If we don’t look out for one another, well, it’s a new day these days.Thanks for sharing. Good info.

  2. Janeane Davis

    I am celebrating it by reminding my children that there is black history every month and that they are creating the history they will share with school children when they are “old” like me.

    • newmom0608

      Yes! We continue to make history everyday. Your words push your children to dream big, work hard and achieve greatness I’m sure.

  3. Tomika B

    I celebrate my birthday, Valentine’s Day, Anniversary, and Black History Month. We are definitely going to increase our knowledge of Black History

  4. Christine

    I love what Janeane said, and am trying to start instilling that in my own kids. I am making more of a conscious effort this year to take them to either events or museums in the DC area that celebrate our culture.

  5. Chasing Joy

    I’m looking forward to attending the Gordon Parks exhibit at Macy’s. I’ve also been enjoying reading other’s blogs about black history month.

    On the Chasing Joy FB page and twitter accounts all of my quotes this month are from Blacks.

  6. Jordan

    Like Joyce in Atl, Philly has so many events.I HAVE to get out and enjoy some of them. There is always something to do and more to learn about my ancestor.


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