Dear Diary,

Recently, I almost did a cartwheel through our apartment, to celebrate my daughter’s decision to sleep through the night.  I admit, I never really enforced a bedtime.  When I was a stay-at-home mom, my little girl stayed up with me, so we could sleep in in the morning.  When I returned to work full-time, I still stretched her bedtime, since I wanted to catch up with her in the evening.  It took many months before she slept through the night.  She sometimes tossed and turned.  Other times she boycotted her crib.  I changed her diaper, warmed up some milk and rocker her back to bed.  Once she started school (I know, she’s only 16-months-old, but school sounds better than daycare.  I don’t feel as guilty dropping her off!), she exhausted most of her energy during the day and burned the rest running around at home.  Soon, she slept on her own for ten hours straight.  So, I had to make sure she wore a diaper that kept her snug and dry for a long period of time.  And since I’m a single mom, I looked for an affordable option.

I logged onto Walmart’s website and read reviews.  More than 5,000 moms and dads raved about Huggies Snug & Dry diapers. They claimed the diapers had “no leaks and no problems.”  I wasn’t sold, since the rollback price was so low.  For $22.94, I figured the diaper wouldn’t be durable enough for my daughter.  She’s very active–my wild child.  Although she’s small, she can make a big mess in a matter of minutes!  Nonetheless, I ordered two boxes online.  I selected the ship to store option, since I’m a procrastinator and didn’t want to run out of the dwindling diaper supply in the closet.  I didn’t have to spend time searching for something once I got to Walmart.  I headed to the Internet order desk in the back and a few minutes later, we were back in the car.

I quickly put the diapers to the test.  Click through the slide show below to find out why my daughter is recommending Huggies Snug & Dry diapers to other first time moms.


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Please note: I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Huggies. #HuggiesWalmart #CBias #SocialFabric

All of the opinions stated are my own (or my daughter’s:)

About The Author

Vlog Mom/DFTM Creator

Not long ago, Heather Hopson hosted a television show in the Cayman Islands. Today, she's back home writing a different kind of story as a new mom. In her 15 years working as a professional journalist, this by far is her best assignment! Growing up, she dreamed of becoming Oprah Winfrey. She was the features editor for her school’s newspaper and a teen talk show host for her city’s most popular radio station. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Michigan State University. After graduation, she worked as a television producer and reporter at CBS, NBC and Fox affiliates throughout the U.S. Instead of heading to Chicago to join Ms. Winfrey on her set, she bought a plane ticket to the Cayman Islands instead. She arrived five days before a category five hurricane! She lived in paradise for seven years, hosted an award-winning television show and traveled the globe with a government delegation. She also served on the board of directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters and spearheaded a Send a Kid to Camp campaign. Then, she relocated to Washington, D.C. to obtain a teaching certification and instruct 8th grade reading at a high needs middle school. She later returned to her hometown of Pittsburgh, PA to raise her daughter Caitlynn, now 4-years-old. During her 10-month-stint as a stay-at-home mom, Caitlynn inspired her to create this blog, and Diary of a First Time Mom was born on Mother’s Day 2012. Two years later, she expanded the family to include 20+ writers. Currently, Heather serves as the communications director at Allies for Children. In addition, she is the owner of Motor Mouth Multimedia, which ranked #49 in Startup Nation’s Home-Based 100 Competition sponsored by Discover Card and Sam’s Club. Recently, The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments selected Heather to receive an Emerging Black Artist award to develop Diary of a First Time Mom.

8 Responses

  1. Uneeka Jay

    I am SO glad I am beyond the diaper stages. WHEW! Back when my babies were growing up, we used cloth diapers. YUCK! I am glad to see there are solutions for busy moms.

    • newmom0608

      To be honest, I don’t mind the diapers. Not looking forward to potty training! lol

  2. DaintyLady

    I usually use Pampers but will pick up a pack of Huggies Snug and Dry next time I am buying diapers to try them out. Thank you for the advice!!


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