Disclosure: This post was sponsored by KFC through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about KFC Popcorn Nuggets, all opinions are my own. Today I dropped my daughter off at preschool—late. I hit snooze too many times and ended up leaving the house 15 minutes off schedule. I drove directly into bumper-to-bumper traffic. I rushed to work, and a few hours later, I returned to pick Caitlynn up from school. She tagged along to an after work meeting, since there wasn’t enough time to drive her to the other end of town where my parents live. Luckily, the location was equipped with Wi-fi, so she watched cartoons and colored while I helped facilitate a community conversation to create a child-advocacy agenda. Because I went out of town over the weekend, I didn’t go grocery shopping. So instead of packing a home cooked meal, Caitlynn ate KFC due to the mad dash. Normally, I would feel guilty about feeding her fast food. What would the moms in our play group think? What would my mother—who served me a hot, healthy meal everyday as a kid—say about my dinner decision? At first, I mentally listed the reasons why I couldn’t cook. I am a working mom. I am a business owner. I am a co-parent. Then, I read the ingredients. KFC Popcorn Nuggets are 100 percent white meat and (never pressed or formed), extra crispy and made from the world’s best chicken – the way nuggets should be. And most importantly, Caitlynn cleaned her plate. Although she’ll try almost everything, I sometimes have to bribe her with dessert in order to get her to finish her meal. This Nugget-vention was perfectly timed, because the meeting’s menu featured spinach and zucchini. Picture of KFC Popcorn Nuggets Have you ever gone somewhere and the menu wasn’t catered to kids? They need a Nugget-vention! As a child, I hated Brussels sprouts, beets and broccoli Maybe it had something to do with the letter b! But as an adult, these items are a staple in my refrigerator. And the zucchini Panini was simply delicious! But Caitlyn’s three not 33 like me. OK, so I’m 38, that didn’t sound as good! The point is—KFC Popcorn Nuggets are the perfect pick for busy moms, like me, and parents seeking 100 percent white meat chicken, and the crispy crunch kids love. That was Caitlynn’s favorite part of the meal—the crunchiness. Caitlynn was satisfied and therefore quietly colored and watched videos on You Tube for over an hour. And I too was satisfied. I didn’t feel like I wasn’t measuring up as a mom, because I was more like myself than Martha Stewart. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ