Dear Diary, Unlike many girls growing up, I didn’t think about getting married and having children. The thought didn’t cross my mind until long after college graduation. Heck, it was almost a decade later. Part of me focused on collage and career. I wanted to report the news and travel the world. Another part of me thought I would be disobeying God by having premarital sex. It’s easier to abstain if there’s no one to, well, fornicate with. Although I wasn’t always riding the celibacy bandwagon, I did pursue a path to completion and contentment. As someone’s future wife, I want to come to the altar comfortable in my own skin, comfortable with my relationship with God and comfortable being vulnerable enough to let someone else lead me. Before I say I do, there are lots of things I must do. I’ve checked off almost everything on this list, but I continue to add items on a regular basis. 1. Read the Bible–from Genesis to Revelations and everything between. 2. Discover your purpose. 3. Form a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 4. Raise your self-esteem. 5. Fail at something. 6. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or senior citizens center. 7. Babysit a child for a weekend. 8. Get a passport. Get stamps. 9. Start a journal. 10. Go to therapy. 11. Get a makeover. Get a head shot. 12. Bake a cake. 13. Buy stock. 14. Dance in the rain. 15. Skip shaving. 16. Date yourself. Go to dinner & the movies solo. 17. Write a business plan. 18. Call off work & sleep all day. 19. Take a belly dancing class. 20. Write a poem. 21. Become a role model/Mentor a young person. 22. Write down what you want in a spouse. Then write what you can bring to the table. Are the lists equal? Hey DFTM Fam–What would you add to the list? 2 Responses Jerry March 21, 2014 Hey Great information you are sharing.. Thank you very much:) Wedding Websites Reply Aquademica July 20, 2014 Excellent entry!! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! Reply Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ
Jerry March 21, 2014 Hey Great information you are sharing.. Thank you very much:) Wedding Websites Reply
Aquademica July 20, 2014 Excellent entry!! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! Reply