Can you count on one hand how many times you complained about changing a dirty diaper? I can’t–don’t have enough fingers. In the beginning, it was quite an adjustment as a first time mom. I couldn’t fathom how a human so small could release a package so big. Yes, we called her bowel movements “packages.” Sounds sweet. And it’s more appropriate to say package in public than poop, which still causes my nephews to burst out in uncontrollable laughter and loud ewws. After all, I had a designer diaper bag and planned to make motherhood look sophisticated and stylish! Before she was born, I probably thought she would smell like the candy bars crushed in the Name That Poo baby shower game. After time went by, I became more comfortable with diaper dialogue. I even became comfortable with being spit on, peed on and yes even pooped on. On more than one occasion, I Googled the various colors and consistencies of my daughter’s bowel movements, to make sure she wasn’t sick. I stopped holding my nose and blocked out the not so pleasant smells. When I look back, it wasn’t really that bad. Actually, I kind of miss changing diapers now that my daughter is potty training and transitioning into a full-grown walking and (sassy) talking toddler. I remember mastering diapering to the point where I could change her in her sleep! My daughter was born in the age of disposable diapers. I couldn’t imagine living in ancient times when women used Milkweed leaf wraps, animal skins and other natural resources to swaddle their little ones. According to Diaper Jungle, Innuits, an Eskimo people, placed moss under sealskin, and Native American mothers and packed grass under a diaper cover made of rabbit skin. In warmer tropical climates, mothers anticipated their babies bowel movements, something called elimination communication. It didn’t get much easier as the centuries passed. The first disposable absorbent pad used as a diaper didn’t come on the scene until 1942. I now give even more respect to my grandmother. During her 65 year marriage to my Grandpa Stump, she gave birth to 15 children and changed a countless number of cloth diapers for decades. My mother followed suit and enlisted the help of a diaper delivery service. When I was pregnant, I planned to do the same. Then I gave birth. I became busy with life, and the transition to motherhood. At first, I felt like I was less than other mothers for not going down the cloth route. I breastfed with one arm while blending baby food with the other. I wanted to be green! But I was more of an aqua. And you know what, that was OK! I didn’t have to give birth–naturally–to multiple children or change cloth diapers to be a good mom. I just have to do what’s best for my daughter and I. Along the way, I’ve forgotten to put on a diaper while rushing to an appointment. I’ve been pooped on in public. And I’ve come home to my daughter who had a diaper on backwards. That’s what happens when I leave my dad (the self-proclaimed I don’t change children) on diaper duty. Well, I can’t complain too much! One day, my daughter might be changing my diapers! Payback from giving the gift below to my sister when she turned 40! Hey DFTM Fam–Have any diaper dilemmas? Got tips and tricks? Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ