Disclosure: Diary of a First Time Mom is proud to partner with Little Remedies® as a Mom Blogger Ambassador. Although I receive some form of compensation for the collaboration, all opinions expressed about the products are my own. Growing up, I hardly ever got sick. I attributed my good health to eating my vegetables, especially the green leafy ones. My sister only ate potatoes and corn and an occasional green bean. She stayed home from school much more often. Decades later, my daughter has inherited my health and my appetite. I can count on one hand how many times she fell ill. And if I don’t count fevers tied to teething, the number dwindles even lower. Always full of energy, my daughter is usually running around her kitchen, serving make believe meals or dancing to cartoon theme songs. When Caitlynn does catch a cold or has an upset tummy, I give her a dose of a Little Remedies® product, and she is back on her feet within a few hours. Occasionally she gets an upset stomach. Perhaps in part from eating everything–this little girl has tried everything from sushi to guacamole. When her stomach gurgles, and with gets gas, I give her Little Remedies® For Tummys™ Gas Relief Drops. It’s a safe remedy to ease tummy troubles and eliminate toots–we think that’s a much cuter way to describe a not so cute act of expelling. Like most moms, I don’t like to medicate my baby. But when I do, I reach for a Little Remedies® bottle. The product line has no artificial color, flavors, alcohol, saccharin or preservatives. There are even formulas for dehydration and constipation! So, I don’t worry about side effects when treating her. Instead, I worry about how I’ll entertain her when she’s under the weather. Instead of wanting to watch TV, she wants to snuggle up next to me. More clingy than usual, I like to give her extra attention to make her feel better. We typically do one of four activities. They say laughter is the best medicine. This certainly rings true when Caitlynn isn’t feeling good. Having activities allows her to focus less on her sickness and more on her recovery. We have a blast and lots of giggles, which makes what started out as an unpleasant day not so bad after all. Hey DFTM fam–How do you entertain your little one when he/she gets sick? What’s your Little Remedies? Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ