Dear Diary, Most parents-especially new ones-don’t go on a trip without leaving their camera behind. With the increasing popularity of social media sites like Instagram, family photos are uploaded and shared almost every day. If your like most parents, you captures kids on camera but rarely get in front of the lens. By letting your child take charge of the camera, you can finally be in your photo albums. Plus, you can see what the world looks like from their vantage point-shots adults most likely would miss. 1. Pick a Camera Before you take your trip, determine what type of camera you want to pack. If you have a younger child, be sure you select something that is durable and affordable. Perhaps set your price according to your child’s age. The older your child, the more money you will invest. If you don’t want to make a purchase, use your smartphone. Many models capture clear, high-resolution images. 2. Practice Snapping Shots Get familiar with your camera before you go on a trip. Practice using the different camera settings, filters and lighting. Have your child take picture of friends, family and even pets. Click here for more tips for your kids to take family photos. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.Δ